Generators, Marine Engines and Power Units for the Dredging Industry
Dredging is a key part of marine infrastructure and coastal protection. It is the process of excavating materials, like sand, sediment, rock and debris, to clear or deepen waterways. Dredging is used to widen and deepen ports and harbors, allowing larger ships to enter and dock. Navigational dredging in rivers and ports removes accumulated sediment and makes it easier for ships to travel through the waterway. Inland dredging involves removing sediment from rivers, lakes and reservoirs to increase water depth for recreational purposes or flood protection. In deep offshore environments, dredging levels seabeds and facilitates installation of communications cables, drilling platforms and wind turbines.
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Why is Dredging Important?
Protecting coasts and shorelines from erosion also requires dredging. Natural forces like waves, wind, storms and littoral drift leave costs vulnerable to flooding and erosion. Restoration and maintenance dredging is crucial to protecting both the natural ecosystems and the population in coastal environments.

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Dredging Power
Moving huge amounts of rock, sand, soil, sediment, clay and gravel requires heavy duty machinery. Dredges can be hydraulic (suction) or mechanical and are typically situated on marine vessels. Generators provide power for the dredges, and power units provide energy for the booster pumps that are used to increase dredging power. Marine engines and gears are used to power the vessels that move dredges.
Dredging keeps the world’s waterways in motion and protects coastal environments. Depco has the engine and generator solutions you need for all types of dredging.